<% fl=7 openconn set rs=conn.execute("select * from "&prefix&"lm where "&prefix&"s3=6 and id="&id) if rs.eof then set rs=conn.execute("select top 1 * from "&prefix&"lm where "&prefix&"s3=6 order by "&prefix&"s2 desc,id desc") if not rs.eof then id=rs("id") idd=0 p1=rs(prefix&"p1") end if else p3=split(rs(prefix&"p3"),",") id=abint(p3(2)) idd=abint(p3(3)) p1=rs(prefix&"p1") end if url="id="&id&"&" %> <%=SiteTitle%>
您的位置:首页 > <%=getone(6,"p1","lm")%>
<% psize=20 rows=getlb(prefix&"wz"," where "&prefix&"s1=6 ",""," id,"&prefix&"p1,"&prefix&"t1 ") if rowslen>=0 then for i=0 to rowslen %>
<% next end if %>
<%getlist pcount,url%>